What Is the Most Durable Type of Lawn Grass?

You do everything you can to keep your lawn looking great. But your kids, pets, and just general wear-and-tear keep producing undesired paths and spots in it. Is there a type of grass that can make it easier to keep a beautiful-looking lawn?

It actually depends on where you live. Some grasses are drought tolerant. Some grasses don’t do very well in wet, high-humidity environments. 

What Makes a Good Lawn Grass?

A good lawn grass is durable enough to be resistant to high traffic, such as pets and children. It’s adapted to the surrounding environment, whether that environment is particularly hot or cold. And it’s able to go some time without water. It doesn’t have to be pampered to be perfect.

It should be noted that most lawns aren’t made out of a single type of grass. Rather, most lawns have a delicate mix of grasses that is specially formulated for the area. While you can have a lawn that’s made out of a single species of grass, it’s far more durable to have a lawn made out of multiple types of grasses.

So when you decide on a lawn grass, consider:

  • Is most of your lawn in the sun (“full sun”), partial shade, or shaded?
  • How frequently do you want to water your lawn? Are there any drought restrictions in your area?
  • Will the majority of your lawn require heavy traffic?
  • What look do you want for your lawn? A deep, brilliant bluish shade? A bright, greenish shade?

All these factors may ultimately weigh into your decision-making process.

To the North: Bluegrass

Bluegrass is beautiful and durable. It’s also very noticeable with a bright green tint. Bluegrass can actually be frustrating for some if it isn’t planted correctly. If you just have a little bluegrass growing through your lawn, it can start to look patchy. But if you intentionally install bluegrass or a bluegrass mix, the bright green grass will be beautiful and pervasive. Bluegrass will remain beautiful even during the cold weather and will return swiftly after winter hibernation.

To the South: Bermudagrass

Bermudagrass is frequently chosen in southern states because it’s hardy in the face of both temperature and drought. A lot of grass can’t survive in this type of environment, with soaring temperatures and little water, but bermudagrass can. You’ll often find bermudagrass in “full sun” blends and in hotter areas. There are multiple types of bermudagrass for your specific area and what you’re looking for. Common bermudagrass is used as an all-around grass, while there are specific types that are designed for cooler climates.

In the Middle: Tall Fescue

Between the northern and southern states is Tall Fescue territory. Tall Fescue is a great all-around turf grass that has good heat and drought tolerance as well as solid resistance to cooler temperatures. Tall Fescue finds itself in a lot of grass blends because it’s so versatile and durable. It’s one of the best turf grasses for standing up to high traffic, and it’s remarkably resilient to seasonal changes. While Bermudagrass and Bluegrass may be better in temperature extremes, Tall Fescue is a great choice elsewhere.

Saving Your Grass

Of course, keeping your grass looking great comes down to more than just the species of grass you plant. You also need to make sure it’s well maintained.

If your grass is already patchy and damaged, it’s often best to roll out new sod or plant new seeds. Otherwise, it can be difficult to get a really consistent appearance, especially if your lawn wasn’t a single type of grass to begin with. Anything you add may look different.

Once your grass has been planted well, you should fill any patches or lines that show up with seed and try to keep those areas restricted to traffic while the seeds grow. It’s easiest to stay on top of things with grass rather than try to recover grass that’s already dead and dying.

Well-watered, well-maintained grass is going to grow in healthier and thicker. You should treat for weeds and broadleaf grass, fertilize and reseed frequently, and keep your grass mowed regularly. Erratically mowing your grass can cause more harm than good, as your grass loses too much of its mass at once.

Getting the Perfect Yard

Bluegrass, Bermudagrass, and Tall Fescue — these are some of the most durable, attractive grasses that you can find. But many types of grass are actually blends that are designed to be not only durable but also uniquely well suited to your environment. 
Whatever type of lawn you’re trying to create or maintain, it always helps to get some professional assistance. Contact Clearfork Lawn Care to find out more about our Fort Worth lawn care services.